+39 079 3406090 info@unionecoros.it





Altitude: 150 m asl
Surface: 56.7 km2


Tel. 0794187050

A little bit of history

Uri (Uri in Sardinian) is an Italian town of 2,849 inhabitants in the province of Sassari, Sardinia. It is located on a hilly area rich in limestone, basalt and trachyte, traversed by fascinating valleys. It is positioned among hills and valleys, near the Cuga lake, a landscape attraction, habitat of rare aquatic birds and paradise for sports fishing, celebrated at the Kuga Festival in August. Its territory is intersected by two rivers: in the north by Rio Mannu and in the south by Rio Cuga, that a few kilometres from the village flows into an artificial basin. . At the bottom of the lake there are the remains of the nuraghe Peppe Gallu that emerge during dry periods. (tn* nuraghe: large megalithic, tower-shaped, prehistoric stone structures found in Sardinia, dating from the second millennium BC to the Roman conquest) Remarkable archaeological findings date back to the Nuragic period.

The old heart of the town is indicated by the archaeological area of Santa Cadrina (Catherine in Sardinian), a complex made up of a nuraghe and its village, also used in successive times. Near Uri the long stele of “Pedra Longa” stands out (“Long rock” in Sardinian). ri is a very active town, rich in initiative and good food, as with the popular Artichoke Festival.