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Home 9 Tissi 9 Oratory of the Holy Cross

Oratory of the Holy Cross

The town of Tissi is built around two Romanesque churches and is characterised by low houses in evenly spaced streets. Located along the main road of the town, is the Oratory of the Holy Cross, near the side of the church of Saint Anastasia where the bell tower is. The building, of Romanesque style, was built by using medium-sized limestone ashlars. The southern side and the back of the structure are covered with pitched roofs with round arches, irregularly positioned over wide and flat corbels, some are capped and some are decorated with long leaves, typical of Romanesque buildings. The Oratory of the Holy Cross is ascribed to the second half of the 12th century because of the decorations on the corbels. The oratory can be visited upon request at the Parish.

Source: “Tissi, The Territory from Prehistory to The Middle Ages” (in Italian), by Pina Maria Derudas – website “Chiese di Sardegna” (“Churches of Sardinia”, in Italian)